Particular house in Cienfuegos, Cuba

Private home in Cienfuegos

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  • Hostal Cienfuegos Colon

    Owner: Lorenzo Miguel Rodriguez Bravo 3835 visits

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    Hostel Cienfuegos Colón has 2 bedrooms on the second floor of independent form and spacious, each with bathroom, closet, one double bed and personal, plus 2 terraces to enjoy fresh air, sunshine and a pleasant atmosphere flowers and ornamental plants that decorate the place, serving to relax, listen to music, dance, etc. Air-conditioned rooms with water service cold - hot and room service that includes change of sheets and towels, laundry and cleaning service, offering comfort to the guest.

    Nearby places

    Nuestro Hostal Cienfuegos Colón se encuentra ubicado en el Centro Histórico de Cienfuegos, a 0,52 Km del Boulevard, el cual ofrece diversidad de ofertas como: Tiendas, Restaurantes, Galerías de Arte, Discotecas, Bancos Popular de Ahorro (BPA), Banco Financiero Internacional (BFI), Oficina de Cambio de Moneda (CADECA), Oficinas de Telecomunicación (ETECSA),etc. También nos encontramos a 0,55 Km del Parque José Martí y a 0,50 Km del Parque Villuendas, ambos con servicio de Wifi. Además nos encontramos a 0,27 Km del Prado, que nos ofrece un deleite de la arquitectura de la ciudad y a 1,50 Km del Malecón que nos ofrece una vista espectacular de la Bahía de Cienfuegos. Our hostel Cienfuegos Colón is located in the Historic Center of Cienfuegos, to 0.52 km Boulevard, which offers variety of offers such as shops, restaurants, art galleries, Nightclubs, Popular Savings Banks (BPA), Financial Bank International (BFI), Money Exchange Office (CADECAs), Telecommunications Office (ETECSA), etc. We are at 0.55 Km the José Martí and 0.50 Km from the Villuendas Park, both with Wi-Fi service. In addition we are at 0.27 Km del Prado, which offers a delight of the architecture of the city and 1.50 Km from the Malecón which offers a spectacular view of the Bay of Cienfuegos.

    Location: Cienfuegos

    Type of location: City

    Casa style: Colonial / Sharing spaces with the family

    Rooms: 2

    Rate per room per night (LS) / (HS): 20 | 25 cuc

    Features, services and local area facilities

    Air conditioning | Hot & Cold water | TV | Audio Player | Video Player | Freezer | Terrace | Garage/Parking

    Taxi | Electricity 110v & 220v | Airport pickup | Organizing excursions | Breakfast is offered | Lunch is offered | Dinner is offered | Laundry service | Preparation of drinks |

    City Air conditioner Hot and cold water TV Audio Player Video Player Freezer-Refrigerator Terrace Parking-Garage Taxi Electricity 110v & 220v Airport pickup Organizing excursions Breakfast is offered Dinner is offered Laundry service Preparation of drinks